Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Saturday, September 6, 2008

It finally came...

Well, I knew in my head it was coming, but it always just seemed so far away. Even though I had heard how tough it could be from other parents, I wasn't expecting it to be as tough as it was.

Our day finally came - Aiden's first day of school. He was a little anxious, but overall, excited - as you can see by the first two pictures. But, the fear of the unknown got the better of him and as we were about to leave his class he started crying and begging us to stay. THAT was one of the hardest moments for me. I knew he would love school once he got used to the environment and routine, and the only way to do that was to experience it.

He's been in school for 7 days, and now he loves it. In fact, today (Saturday), he was wandering around the house bored and said "I wish I had school today!" :)

First day of Kindergarten!

First day of Kindergarten!

Aiden is on the far right...this was right before he started to panic...I think he is starting to get pretty worried here... :)
Getting a little worried

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