Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First comes love, then comes...

These two were a lot of fun! We walked all around Lancaster County Park looking for some fun spots - and they were great sports!
We will be photographing their wedding soon, so it was good to get to know them better. They seem very comfortable with each other, and very much in love.

We can't wait for the wedding guys!



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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Just so sleepy

This little guy was a joy to photograph! He was so laid back and sleepy, he let me do anything to him. He joins a family of two older brothers - I have a feeling there is going to be a lot of energy in that house soon! :)

so precious



perfect in every way


sleeping beauty

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look Out World

I felt honored to do senior pictures for "Miss J" - she has a such a beautiful passion for God and for others. It is truly inspiring to be around her. I can't wait to see what God has in store for her life!

We had fun walking through the streets of Lititz, looking for cool colors and textures. I think she thought I had some crazy ideas, but I really love how her pictures turned out! Here are some of my favorites from our session.

love the light here

passion for music

beautiful smile

beautiful eyes

one of my favs

she thought I was crazy...

Monday, August 18, 2008

the best "gangsta" pose

My husband and I are very thankful to have two families that get along really well. Our parents and siblings are all good friends. However, the rivalry between two of our sisters is no secret. They seem to compete in everything - one of which is to be the "best aunt."

Here are two pictures I took recently - one on vacation with my family (Bethany beach), and one on vacation with my husbands family (Spofford, NH). Both of them are doing a "gangsta" pose with my son...and it is particularly funny to me because this was not planned in any way - they both just initiated it with him and I happened to be there with the camera.

So, what do you think - who is the best "gangsta?"

"Gangsta" pose with Aunt Karan

"Gangsta" pose with Aunt Bekah

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

As a photographer, you hear a lot about needing to find your own "style." The idea is, you learn a lot from other photographers whose work inspires you, but then you are supposed to find your own "style." Well, I've had a hard time figuring out what that is.

I really haven't been doing photography for that long, so I am still constantly trying to learn and improve everything I do. There are so many photographers whose work I look to for ideas and inspiration.

Well, just the other day I think I just discovered a piece of my style - it was a very exciting feeling actually! :) In almost every photo shoot I do, I have a favorite picture. And, what I just realized is that there is a common theme in each of these pictures! Let me post a few and you can see if you can guess it (a few of them you will have already seen on previous blogs).

From our recent vacation:

Contageous Laughter

Mother and Son

lovin the laugh

Will you be my Valentine?

Did you guess it? It's JOY! I absolutely love capturing joy!

Not the "look at the camera and smile" kind. The kind that you can't pose, stage, or set-up.

The kind that makes you feel like you are there in the moment with them, and you have an overwhelming desire to laugh right along with them. The kind that makes you ask what wonderful thing they must be laughing at.

I love to capture these precious fleeting moments in time.