Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Thursday, July 17, 2008

She made my job easy...

Well, this had to be one of the the most enjoyable senior sessions I've done to date. She made my job easy - she is adorable and sweet, and knew how to pose for the camera. What more could I ask for! :)

She is working at a local camp this summer, so we had fun walking all over the camp to get some great shots...well, except for the daddy-long-leggers. I'm sure I left with some of those crawling in my hair... :)

Miss M - I really had such a hard time narrowing down your shots - there were so many that I loved! Here's a few "sneak peeks" for you until I get your gallery up!

love it!

Contageous Laughter



B&W sunflare


  1. You really captured a whole range of her expressions. It is like we get to know her personality through your photos.
    Wonderful work.......as usual. I need to keep coming back to your blog, it gives me inspiration to actually get out there and shoot other people aside from my family....or nature stuff.
