Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Friday, June 20, 2008

To the West Coast and Back Again!

Well, my goal was to post a blog letting everyone know we were leaving on vacation, but that obviously didn't happen...as we are back now! :) We took a trip clear across the country to the West Coast to visit family in Washington and Oregon.
We had a great time! I was apprehensive about how our kids would do - but they really surprised me and did a great job. Here are a few pictures from our trip....

One reason we went was because my grandmother isn't doing well. I know she won't remember us b/c of her illness, but I'm glad we have pictures so my kids will always have the memory.

My cousin's son just couldn't stop giving my daughter hugs...it was so funny!

We really wanted the kids to say they have "touched the Pacific Ocean" - so we made sure to get to the beach while we were there. It was FREEZING outside unfortunately, so we didn't stay very long.
Canon Beach

We visited the gorgeous Multnomah Falls with my aunt and her boys.
The Falls

Multnomah Falls

We drove around a lot on our vacation! Poor tired kids! :)
tired kiddos

This picture isn't the greatest, but it is meaningful to me...I have a picture of me and my cousins together in the bathtub when we were this age...about 25 years ago!
bathtub babies

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