Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Monday, June 30, 2008

Family of Four

I really like family shoots because I enjoy trying to capture the personality of the family. This family was actually the winner of a session I donated to a silent auction benefiting our church's missions trips.

They were up for anything - which was great! I think they thought I was a little crazy sometimes - but it was fun! They are a neat family, and their love for each other shows through in their pictures. Here are a few favorites from the session.


doing our own thing

The Fam

Jumpin' for Joy

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Clayt & Laura

Clayt and Laura couldn't have picked a more beautiful day to get married! They got married on the lovely grounds of the Millport Conservancy. Courtney and I had a really great day with them!
These two were so funny - they weren't so much into the lovey dovey intimate moments, as they were the practical details of the day. They have been dating for a good amount of time, and I think they were just READY to be married.
Here's a touching moment we captured...
The Beginning

Laura was such a stunning bride!

The guys were good sports. Thanks for not dropping the camera Clayt! :)
the guys

This is Laura holding her adorable niece. The baby's parents are missionaries in Japan, so I think this was the first time everyone had met her.
Aunt Laura

Laura's dad and grandmother having a great time on the dance floor!
Mother and Son

The cupcakes were delicious! I had to laugh when the DJ came over to us and said, "they are about ready to cut the cupcake!"
cupcake cake

This last one is my favorite I think! Clayt and Laura, it is evident how much you love God and eachother. Thank you for letting us share this special day with you!
My Love

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Love is in the Air

We had a great time visiting family on our recent vacation to Oregon. My cousin really wanted some pictures of her and her husband (and their very furry baby). So, I did a rather spontaneous shoot of them. It was fun - they were such good sports, and it was so evident how much they loved each other! Here's few...

nose kisses

a moment

the fam

Friday, June 20, 2008

To the West Coast and Back Again!

Well, my goal was to post a blog letting everyone know we were leaving on vacation, but that obviously didn't happen...as we are back now! :) We took a trip clear across the country to the West Coast to visit family in Washington and Oregon.
We had a great time! I was apprehensive about how our kids would do - but they really surprised me and did a great job. Here are a few pictures from our trip....

One reason we went was because my grandmother isn't doing well. I know she won't remember us b/c of her illness, but I'm glad we have pictures so my kids will always have the memory.

My cousin's son just couldn't stop giving my daughter hugs...it was so funny!

We really wanted the kids to say they have "touched the Pacific Ocean" - so we made sure to get to the beach while we were there. It was FREEZING outside unfortunately, so we didn't stay very long.
Canon Beach

We visited the gorgeous Multnomah Falls with my aunt and her boys.
The Falls

Multnomah Falls

We drove around a lot on our vacation! Poor tired kids! :)
tired kiddos

This picture isn't the greatest, but it is meaningful to me...I have a picture of me and my cousins together in the bathtub when we were this age...about 25 years ago!
bathtub babies

Monday, June 2, 2008

Here's the latest little bundle I photographed. She had a rough start...I think she is going to be a very modest young lady, as she did not like her clothes off one bit! :) But she calmed down and then did great!

I had done mom's maternity shoot: http://bonnie-cbportraits.blogspot.com/2008/03/baby-bump.html

However, I wasn't expecting to do the baby pictures so soon. This little one decided to give her family a big scare. She was born via an emergency c-section, 4 weeks early, after the doctors realized the cord was wrapped around her neck with a large knot in it. And now, she's a perfect, little miracle with an amazing family to love her.

Beautiful Eyes

so sleepy


birds eye view