Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I have heard people say they weren't getting a tree for Christmas on a given year...mainly because they have a child who is too young and would pull everything off of it....understandable.

Well, I have NEVER heard anyone say they are not getting a tree because they have a kitten. So, let me be the first one to say it.

Kittens destroy your Christmas trees! Don't spend $40 on a tree you wish you could get rid of before Christmas is even here! :)

Previously, this cat tried it's darndest to get outside so it could promptly climb the nearest tree and get stuck. Now, he thinks he is in heaven as we have brought the outdoors into our home.

The tree is a mess - needles and ornaments all over the floor. There are holes and gaps in the tree from the cat climbing the branches. The lights are all askew....and don't ask me what that random branch is hanging from the left. It wasn't like that when we initially decorated the tree. :)

What is it you say when kids get into trouble? Oh yeah, "It's a good thing he's cute!" :)

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