Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Portraits in the Park

To celebrate the arrival of spring, I'm doing an event called "Portraits in the Park."

Meet me at Lititz Springs Park, Lititz PA on May 20th, and receive a mini portrait session! Sessions will be held from 4-7pm.

It is a great way for you to get some special pictures taken, without having to pay a session fee!
I'm requesting that $25 be paid to reserve your spot, however that money will automatically be turned into a $25 print credit!

Anyone is welcome - families, children, couples, individuals!
Feel free to invite friends! Space is limited, so RSVP right away to reserve your spot.
You can email me at: bonnie@cbportraits.com
After I receive your RSVP, I will contact you with more information.

And, because no post is complete without a picture...here you go... :)

joy of spring

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Signs of Spring

Yes - finally - spring is here! It is by far my favorite season. There is just something magical about brightly colored tulips against the once drab landscape, warm winds, and singing birds that makes me so thankful for everything I have. Here are some of my signs of spring.

princess in the woods

signs of spring


Monday, April 21, 2008

Birthday Girl!

Well, as hard as it is to believe, my littlest one turned 2! Check out the cookie monster cupcakes...they were a hit! :)

cookie monster cupcakes


Big brothers are great at helping to open presents!
opening presents

Monday, April 14, 2008

Rays from Heaven

Warm weather is coming! Savannah was loving the park today! Here is a great shot I got of her. I didn't know what a great shot it was until I looked at it on my computer. Rays from heaven shining on my baby girl...

rays from heaven

Getting a good sun flare shot really isn't as hard as it looks - and they add a really cool dimension to your pictures! The best time to try it is in the evening when the sun is getting low. Position your subject so they are between you and the sun. When you take the picture, the key is to only get a tiny bit of the sun/rays into the picture - so it is just "kissing" the edge of the frame.

Sun flare is often more successful when there is an object like a tree or a barn that is blocking the sun. You just have to move so that just a touch of the sun's rays are peeking out. This helps to eliminate some of the "haze" or "fog" that the sunlight can add to your picture.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


I was so glad to finally get to capture her cute personality! She has so many adorable expressions, but usually as soon as I get my camera out - she refuses to interact with me!
This is a 10x20 storyboard. They are fantastic pieces to display in your home. If done well, they can really tell a special story.

If you have Photoshop and would like to know how to create your own storyboard, I've created a detailed tutorial on it in my favorite photosharing group - Flickr!
Here's the link - check it out!