Contact me: bonnie@cbportraits.com

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Family Fun

This photo shoot was lots of fun, as the family is good friends of ours. They wanted pictures in their backyard and on their brand new, way-cool, swing set! The kids did very well despite big sis being tired and little brother not feeling so good. They were happy to play and laugh with mom and dad! Here are a few of my favorites from our shoot! :)

Family Lovin'

Crawling full speed!

Posed Family Shot

Saturday, May 24, 2008

1 Year Old

This petite little cutie pie was so sweet, and will probably have beautiful red hair like her mommy! She is almost 1 year old, and she has such a social personality - she was cracking me up with all her waving. :) It was about her bedtime, but she did great! Here are a few of my favorites from our session.

Mommy Kissies

All by myself

Patty Cake

Loves Me? Loves me not?

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Double the Fun!

I was so excited when twin girls, that I have known since babies, asked me to do their Senior Pictures! They are cutting it close to the end of the year - but we made it, and they'll have some rockin' pictures of this special time in their lives.

Girls - I simply cannot believe you are graduating already! You are gorgeous, smart, kind, and love the Lord. Life has not been easy for you - and I'm so proud of you!


Her Smile





Saturday, May 3, 2008

Senior Pictures

"Miss A" - I had a great time with you - you are fun, relaxed and up for anything...my kind of model. :) These are a few of my favorites - just something to hold you over until I get the rest of your gallery up. You said you are a casual kind of girl - you might be that, but you are also beautiful. Thanks for letting me "shoot" you! :)

Senior shoot


beautiful light

far away